The Awesomest Author Photos Evah!

I can't believe how long it's taken me to post these photos. Actually, yes I can. I'm horribly lazy when it comes to keeping up with my online presence. What's worse is I actually like to blog and Facebook and whatnot, but these children! The chickens! The garden! My editor and agent who actually - gasp - expect me to write now and then!

I know, excuses excuses. So here they are, photos of moi. And one of me and a very special little person (which happens to be my favorite!).

A huge heartfelt thank you to friend and fabulously talented photographer, Allie at for these stunning shots! (She has to be talented to make me look professional.) My only regret? I should have worn a different shirt (Purple? What was I thinking?). One solution: do another photo shoot!!! Bop on over to her website to see how talented she really is!