The Tenth Night of Halloween: Boggart Tales

Halloween Good tenth Night of Halloween: Boggart

Welcome to the Ten Nights of Halloween! Each day I'll introduce you to one of the characters in my picture book, Halloween Good Night.

We made it to the tenth of the Ten Nights of Halloween!

On the tenth night of Halloween a little ghoul gave to me ... Ten boggarts bothering,

Nine vampires lurking,

Eight ghosts haunting,

Seven goblins gnawing,

Six witches cackling,

Five young zombies,

Four moaning mummies,

Three werewolves

Two woodland imps and...

A globster from the deep blue sea.

So Many Boggarts, so little time...

Boggarts are a little like toddlers, making things disappear, causing milk to sour, and according to Wikipedia:

It is said that the boggart crawls into people's beds at night and puts a clammy hand on their faces. Sometimes he strips the bedsheets off them. Sometimes a boggart will also pull on a person's ears.

They also wreak more serious havoc, like kidnapping children and causing dogs to go lame.

They can be any shape or size (though like goblins, ugly), and tend to be shaggy, smelly, squat and lacking in manners. Some can take the form of animals, others trail long chains. Some turn evil if you feed them after midnight or multiply if they get wet - oh, sorry, those are gremlins!

By Francisco de Goya, Here Comes the Bogey Man

While some boggarts are house-boggarts, even following the same family from one dwelling to the next, others prefer swamps, fields, marshes, woodlands. One such boggart is rumored to inhabit Boggart Hole Clough in Blackley, Manchester. Legend has it, a household boggart was cast out and went to live under the bridge. People still occasionally disappear in this urban park. Find photos of Boggart Hole Clough here!

What's a Boggart? This Video Tells All:

So much fascinating lore, and so many types of boggarts! Who knew?

Two cute boggart crafts!

Boggarts are in short supply ... online. Around town and in the home, however, not so much. Here are two creative and fun crafts to celebrate those boggling boggarts!

From my own site, Boggart finger puppets! Easy and adorable.

From my own site, Boggart finger puppets! Easy and adorable.

Adorable werewolf made from a pot and styrofoam ball! And other cute creatures, too.

Adorable werewolf made from a pot and styrofoam ball! And other cute creatures, too.